Children from Lugo de Llanera were fantastic. They were so polite! They were the politest children we had so far. And I think is thanks to their school teachers, for that honest authority they’ve got over them. And because they respect their school teachers, they respect others as well. Even in the classroom, when you ask them to do their work they’ll do it. And so, more often than not, children come to mess about in school but we didn’t get that this way, we got children who wanted to work. They did a lot of hard work. They were really good.


Josh, Fall Camp Teacher (Wales)

Un colegio público de calidad. Cuando hace nueve años nos acercamos a conocer el colegio, teníamos muchas dudas y expectativas. Ahora consideramos que la decisión fue la correcta y que los profesionales que nos encontramos, tanto profesorado como personal de administración, comedor, limpieza y cocina, son de lo mejor. Siempre que hemos necesitado aclarar una duda o preocupación, siempre nos hemos encontrado colaboración. Y cuando nuestra hija ha necesitado un beso, una sonrisa, un abrazo, una mano tendida o una reprimenda (que también son necesarias) nos consta que también las ha tenido.

Madre de alumna