I was extremely lucky at your school. I’m sure that I’ve learned much more during that year in Spain than during all my didactic and methodology classes at school. Thank you for being so nice to me all the time. It was a great experience. You are one of the kindest, nicest, warmest, wisest people I’ve ever met. I don’t know any other people so devoted to their job and kids they are working with. I don’t regret even a second spent in Spain.

Teacher Kasia

¡Una experiencia maravillosa! I was lucky to be sent in Lugo de Llanera. I learned a lot about teaching but also about communication and professionalism, about how important and responsible the work with children is. I also learned how easy is to work in a friendly atmosphere and how mixing different cultures could be so positive and beneficial for everybody. I took part in all the school activities like theatre, school trips, celebrations, the library and I enjoyed all! I had a great time in Lugo and in Asturias. I miss everything – the kids, my tutors and colleagues. I wish them all the best! They deserve it!

Flanena, Clamena, Flame… (Teacher Plamena)